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How much do collective proceedings cost?

There is no cost involved in filing an application to initiate collective proceedings with the court, apart from the relatively minor cost of the documents that need to be attached to the application.

The rest of the procedure has a genuine cost insofar as the representatives appointed by the court (insolvency practitioners) receive remuneration.

This remuneration is not set freely but is set by the provisions of the French Commercial Code (articles R.663-3 et seq.) and supervised by the Court.

In safeguard and receivership proceedings, these fees are paid by the company during the observation period.

In judicial liquidation proceedings, the fees are deducted from the available funds held by the liquidator at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation (Deposit and Consignment Fund).

Lastly, the court registry fees must also be paid by the debtor.